Wow... what a weekend that was!

Thank you so much to the (literally) hundreds of people who came by, who chatted about my work and especially those who bought a picture.

Dulwich Open House last weekend went so well for me. After the last few years, two cancelled exhibitions, building work at home, and covid generally making everything complicated. It was such a joy to be able to welcome people back here, to show my work and get such affirming feedback.

I sold an astonishing 18 original works, have some commissions lined up and was blown away by all the positive comments and the people who sought out my work, having seen it a few years ago. To be honest it's all been a bit overwhelming.

So now I continue the exciting challenge of creating new work. So I'll be busy in my studio (in Beckenham Place Park) working on a new series. Probably something combining the structured compositions of my (Un)Tethered series with the playful energy of the new oil paintings. And as always some repetitive line drawings too. I'll share on Instagram how the work is going, so do follow if you're interested to see.
